
Canciones de Cuna...para Paralizarrrrrrrrr

Canciones De Cuna para Paralizar... a cualquiera... el penultimo cd de Queens of the Stone Age, grosisima banda!

1. Lullaby, 1:25
2. Medication, 1:55
3. Everybody Knows That You're Insane, 4:14
4. Tangled Up In Plaid, 4:14
5. Burn The Witch, 3:36
6. In My Head, 4:02
7. Little Sister, 2:54
8. I Never Came, 4:50
9. Someone's In The Wolf, 7:22
10. The Blood Is Love, 6:37
11. Skin On Skin, 3:43
12. Broken Box, 3:03
13. You've Got A Killer Scene There, Man, 4:58
14. Long Slow Goodbye , 6:47

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